Some days I question why I do the things I do.
Some things I do everyday make little sense. Like knowing I will be late for work and yet stealing that extra five minutes more in bed,
like ordering fried chicken when my cholesterol level demands a simpler food infusion or just refusing to agree to something when it’s the simplest
thing to do to resolve an argument and sticking to your guns, knowing that it will erupt to something bigger and nastier.
Some days I wonder why people don’t do more of the things that should be done.
Like smiling more, or saying thank you when you open a door for them, or listening at a meeting without stifling a yawn and looking like they swallow a whole grape trying to conceal that mother of a yawn.
Or commit to a worthly cause more.
Like Make a Wish.
Commitment is a tough act to follow.
Which brings us to the point of tonight.
You are invited to commit.
All you have to do is step forward and try your hand at colouring in the squares. The aim is to show that it takes commitment to want to help.
All too often, I hear comments about how easy something is, how they can do it themselves, or how they can do it better.
True. No argument there and it’s not even a debate.
Try first and see.
All proceeds will be donated to Make A Wish.
Like the song by Bonnie Tyler goes, its not easy.
Koh Tien Gui
26th October 2007
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