:: Dogs & Such
:: Ah Mahs & Concrete Lilies
:: Lilies On The Road
:: Safe Haven
:: Realisations
:: Private Collections
:: Menagarie

Lilies On The Road

The Lily on the Road continues Koh Tien Gui’s exploration of the world once lived by *Ah Mahs and Concrete Lilies (more popularly known as *Samsui women).

In his previous show, Tien Gui captured glimpses of the Ah Mah and Samsui woman in stark but brilliant hues and postures, conveying an almost magical existence tinged by a shadow of sadness.

Now, once again using his trademark crayons, he captures the various façades of their lives, infusing into each portrait a whimsical, almost ethereal gloss to what must have been a harsh existence in an unforgiving world.